Wooden Rainbow Blocks in Tray

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  • Wooden Rainbow Blocks in Tray

Wooden Rainbow Blocks in Tray

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63 beautifully crafted natural rainbow coloured blocks, packed in wooden tray. It can hide baby’s toys, carry them to the best friend or be a company during the most interesting trip. There are endless possibilities!

Made of wood that comes from FSC®certified suppliers.

Finished with beeswax and botanical oils, sanded perfectly smooth, soft to the touch.

Free of harmful chemicals.
Product eco. Made in the Beskidy Mountains, Poland.


Age 1+


Dimensions of the largest piece /cm/: 10,5 L x 3,5 W x 3,5 H

Dimensions of the smallest piece /cm/: 3,5 L x 5 W x 1,2 H